Online Inter-library Loan Forms
- Inter-library Loan Book Request Form
- Inter-library Loan Periodical Request Form
- Inter-Library Loan Book Chapter Request Form
Interlibrary Loan Services – Library Learning Commons
Books, journal articles, and some other types of materials not owned by King Library may be borrowed from other libraries. Borrowing may be limited by copyright restrictions or by the format of the material. Students should limit their requests to 5 per class per semester.
The Library is linked through the OCLC network to thousands of other libraries and usually the desired materials will be available somewhere from someone. The only real limitations are the willingness of the lending source to provide the material requested and the willingness of the borrower to pay the price required. Please note that Interlibrary Loan services are library-to-library borrowing/lending agreements. Please do not call libraries and make your own borrowing arrangements as King Library cannot be responsible for charges or materials requested in this manner.
Certain requirements are necessary before the King Library can fill an interlibrary loan request.
- Forms: Each interlibrary loan request must be made using the online forms found above. Please note there is one form for books and one form for periodicals. All required information must be supplied by the patron before the request will be initiated. Incomplete or incorrect forms will be returned to the patron. Libraries will not fill “blind” requests or general subject requests; the loan request must be for a specific title or article.
- Materials not available for borrowing: Lending libraries generally will not provide audiovisual materials, rare books, sets of books, original dissertations and theses, oversized materials or computer programs. Books and articles which have been published within the current year may not be available for loan.
- Loan period: Most interlibrary loans are made for a period extending from 14 to 28 days at the discretion of the lending source. The King Library will not request a renewal of an interlibrary loan item. There are no faculty privileges (semester-long checkout) for interlibrary loan items, nor may these items be placed on the Reserve shelf for a class. It may take a minimum of 10-14 days for a lending library to fill a request and to mail the item to us. PLEASE PLAN YOUR RESEARCH ACCORDINGLY.
- Pickup: Items may be picked up at the Circulation Desk at King Library. The interlibrary loan staff will phone or send an email to announce the arrival of a loan item. Book loans should be returned to the Circulation Desk with all papers and forms attached. Any requested material must be picked up in 10 days or it will be returned to the lending library.
- Questions about Interlibrary Loan Policies or Procedures, or about borrowing procedures as an online student: contact Christine Fullerton at 6271 or
How to Request Books from Wayne State or Peru State
Chadron State College shares a book catalog with Wayne State College (WSC) and Peru State College (PSC). Print books available from WSC and PSC may be requested by clicking the Request button at the top of the book record. You will need to fill in your name and NUID number before submitting the request. It can take up to 1 week for books to arrive at CSC. Because of licensing rules, ebooks cannot be borrowed from WSC or PSC.